A Healing Touch

Sermon Main Question: What does the healing sign point to in Acts 3?

Big Idea: Wholeness in life comes from the power of the Author in life.

Sermon Outline:


This week, we delved into Acts 3, exploring the account of a miraculous healing and its deeper significance—what does this sign point to? This summary will help you grasp the essence of the sermon, focusing on the themes of faith, miracles, and the wholeness that comes from Jesus Christ.

The Setting: A Lame Man at the Temple Gate

In Acts 3, we meet a man who had been lame from birth, over 40 years old, and a beggar by necessity. He was strategically placed at the temple gate called Beautiful, where he could ask for alms from those entering the temple complex.

The Significance of the Temple Location

The temple complex was a massive 36-acre complex with different zones for various groups of people. The lame man was positioned at the steps leading to the gate, a place he could not pass due to his condition. In the centuries before Jesus, Judaism did not permit men with deformities to enter into the Court of Israelites. Luke stresses his relation to the Temple Complex. A detail that is easy to overlook, but this highlights his exclusion from full participation in temple worship and the sacred rituals of his faith.

A Personal Encounter: Healing in the Name of Jesus

Peter and John, on their way to the temple for prayer, encountered the lame man. Peter, looking intently at him, said, "In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk." Instantly, the man's feet and ankles became strong, and he began walking, leaping, and praising God.

The Power of Jesus' Name

The healing was not just a physical miracle but a sign pointing to a greater reality. The power of Jesus' name brought wholeness and restoration, allowing the man to enter the temple complex for the first time in his life. This act symbolized his full acceptance into the community of believers.

The Explanation: Peter's Sermon

Peter seized the opportunity to address the amazed crowd. He clarified that the healing was not by their own power but by faith in the name of Jesus. He connected this miracle to the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, showing that Jesus is the promised Messiah.

The Call to Repentance

Peter called the people to repent and turn back to God so that their sins might be wiped out and times of refreshing may come from the Lord. He emphasized that the blessings promised to Abraham are now available through Jesus, the true offspring of Abraham.

 Life Application

 Embracing Hard Conversations

Peter's boldness in preaching to a skeptical and hostile audience challenges us to engage in difficult conversations about faith. God may call us to share the message of Jesus in uncomfortable situations, trusting that He will work through us.

Praying for Wholeness

We are encouraged to pray for physical healing and wholeness in the lives of those around us. While miracles may not always happen as we expect, we can trust in the power of Jesus' name and seek to bring people into a deeper relationship with Him.

Questions for Reflection

1. How can you be more open to sharing your faith, even in challenging situations?

2. Are there areas in your life where you need to experience the wholeness that comes from Jesus?

3. How can you support others in their journey towards physical, emotional, and spiritual healing?


The story of the lame man's healing in Acts 3 is a powerful reminder that wholeness in life comes from the power of the author of life, Jesus Christ. As we go about our week, let's be bold in our faith, pray for those in need, and trust in the transformative power of Jesus' name.