The Song of the Angels

Sermon Big Idea: The coming of Christ is not just for God’s glory but also for the good of humanity.



This week, we delved into the joyful anticipation of the shepherds who journeyed to witness the birth of Jesus. Through the lens of Luke's Gospel, we explored the profound message of the angels' song and its implications for our lives today. Let's dive into the key points of the sermon and reflect on how we can apply these lessons to our daily walk with Christ.

The Setting of Rome's Good News: What Was the Pax Romana?

In those days, Caesar Augustus declared a census, marking the beginning of the Pax Romana, a period of relative peace and stability across the Roman Empire. This era was heavily marketed as a time of prosperity and peace, with Augustus being hailed as the savior of the world. Statues, inscriptions, and coins all bore his image, reinforcing the message that he was the bringer of good news.

The Counterfeit Good News

Just as Rome had its version of good news, our modern world offers various counterfeit messages of peace and fulfillment. Whether it's consumerism, success, pleasure, or self-sufficiency, these messages promise peace but often leave us unfulfilled and yearning for more.

The Birth of Jesus: A Humble Beginning The Journey to Bethlehem

Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem for the census, fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah's birthplace. Despite the challenging journey, Luke's focus is on the credentials of the baby, emphasizing that Jesus is the promised Messiah from the line of David.

The Humble Birth

Jesus' birth was marked by simplicity and humility. Born in a feeding trough because there was no room at the inn, His arrival was far from the grand entrance one might expect for a king. This humble beginning underscores the subversive nature of God's kingdom, where the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.

The Angels' Song: A Counter Message of Good News

The angels appeared to shepherds, announcing the birth of Jesus with a message of good news and great joy for all people. This counter-message to Rome's propaganda declared that the true Savior, Messiah, and Lord had been born.

The Invitation

The angels' song had two parts: a declaration of God's glory and an invitation to experience peace. "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to people He favors." This peace is not a general declaration for all but is specifically for those who seek God's grace and favor.

The Shepherds' Response: Eager Anticipation

The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem to see the newborn King. Their eagerness and joy reflect the proper response to the good news of Jesus' birth.

Sharing the Good News

After witnessing the birth of Jesus, the shepherds spread the word, glorifying and praising God. Their actions remind us that the good news of Jesus is meant to be shared with others.

Life Application: Living for God's Glory

The angels' song teaches us that the coming of Christ is not just for God's glory but also for the good of humanity. To experience true peace, we must first seek God's glory. This means surrendering our lives to Him and living according to His will.

Questions for Reflection

1. What counterfeit messages of good news are you tempted to believe in your daily life?

2. How can you seek God's glory in your current circumstances?

3. In what ways can you share the good news of Jesus with those around you this week?

A Challenge for the Week

This week, take time to reflect on areas of your life where you may be seeking self-glory instead of God's glory. Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal these areas to you and ask for the strength to redirect your focus towards living for God's glory. As you do this, look for opportunities to share the peace and joy of Christ with others.


The joyful anticipation of the shepherds and the profound message of the angels' song remind us of the true source of peace and fulfillment—Jesus Christ. As we celebrate His birth this Advent season, let us seek to live for God's glory and share the good news with those around us. May the peace of Christ fill your hearts and homes this week. Amen.