The Start of the Jesus Movement: Where did He Go?

Sermon Big Question:

After the resurrection, why did Jesus have to leave after 40 days? Why does the Ascension even matter?

Sermon Overview:

Understanding the Ascension: Does It Matter?

In this sermon, we take a close look at what is called the Ascension of Christ. This pivotal event, often overlooked, holds profound significance for our faith and daily Christian living. Let's explore why Jesus' departure after His resurrection was necessary and what it means for us today.

Why Did Jesus Command the Disciples to Wait?

In Acts 1:4-5, Jesus instructs His disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the "Father's promise"—the Holy Spirit. This promise, rooted in Old Testament prophecies (Isaiah 32:15), signifies the beginning of a new era. The Holy Spirit's arrival would empower the disciples to continue Jesus' mission, marking the transition from Jesus' earthly ministry to the church's global mission.

The Disciples' Question: Is the Kingdom Being Restored Now?

The disciples, having just received a crash course on the Kingdom of God, naturally ask if Jesus is now restoring the kingdom to Israel (Acts 1:6). This question reflects their understanding of Old Testament prophecies, which linked the coming of the Spirit with the end times and the restoration of Israel. Jesus redirects their focus from the timing of the kingdom's full restoration to their immediate mission.

What Is the Mission?

Jesus outlines the disciples' mission in Acts 1:8: to be His witnesses "in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." This mission, rooted in Isaiah's prophecies (Isaiah 43:10, 49:6), emphasizes the global scope of the gospel. The disciples are to spread the message of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, empowered by the Holy Spirit.

The Ascension: Why Did Jesus Have to Leave?

In Acts 1:9-11, Jesus ascends to heaven, leaving the disciples gazing upward. This event, though brief in description, is rich in meaning. The ascension signifies the end of Jesus' earthly ministry and the beginning of His heavenly reign. Jesus' departure was necessary for the Holy Spirit to come and for the disciples to step into their roles as His witnesses.

Why Does the Ascension Matter?

The ascension is not just a dramatic exit; it is a crucial event that affirms Jesus' ongoing ministry. Hebrews 7:24-25 tells us that Jesus, now seated at the right hand of the Father, intercedes for us. This means that Jesus is actively involved in our lives, advocating for us and extending His grace and mercy.

Life Application: How Should We Live in Light of the Ascension?

The ascension challenges us to live with the awareness that Jesus is not just watching us, but Jesus is watching over us. Here are a few questions to reflect on this week:

1. Do I believe that Jesus is actively interceding for me?

2. Do I ever waste the Ascension? In other words, rather than bring concerns and heartache to Jesus who is actively present, do I hold it inside and bottle it up?


The ascension of Jesus is a powerful reminder of His ongoing presence and ministry in our lives. As we navigate our daily challenges, let's remember that we have a Savior who reigns forever and intercedes for us. This week, let's live with the confidence that Jesus is watching over us, guiding us, and empowering us to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth.