Boldness in the Face of Opposition

Sermon Big Idea:

When our confidence comes from Jesus, we will have  boldness to be a witness for Jesus.

Sermon Outline


In this sermon, we delved into Acts 4:1-32, exploring the theme of boldness in the face of opposition. This chapter provides a powerful account of Peter and John standing firm in their faith despite facing significant threats from religious authorities. The story not only highlights their courage but also offers valuable lessons on how we can find and nurture our own boldness in faith. Let's break down the key points and see how we can apply them to our lives.

The Setting: Conflict and Courage

Why Is There Conflict Between Judaism and the Jesus Movement?

Understanding the conflict between Judaism and the early Jesus movement is crucial. The early church, primarily composed of Jewish believers, was seen as a new sect within Judaism. This new movement threatened the established religious and political order, leading to significant opposition from Jewish leaders.

The Scene: Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin

Peter and John were brought before the Sanhedrin, the same court that condemned Jesus. The religious leaders were provoked by their teaching about the resurrection of Jesus, a concept that directly contradicted the Sadducees' beliefs. Despite the threats, Peter and John stood firm, filled with the Holy Spirit, and boldly proclaimed the gospel.

Three Ways to Develop Boldness in Faith

1. Confidence from the Renewed Empowerment of the Spirit

Peter's boldness came from being filled with the Holy Spirit. This renewed empowerment is not a one-time event but a continuous process. We, too, can experience this dynamic, explosive rush of the Spirit's anointing in our daily lives, equipping us for gospel proclamation.

2. Confidence from Being with Jesus

The religious leaders were amazed at Peter and John's boldness, recognizing that they had been with Jesus. Spending time with Jesus in prayer, worship, and studying the Word strengthens our faith and prepares us to be bold witnesses. The more we immerse ourselves in His presence, the more confident we become in sharing our faith.

3. Confidence Through Praying for Boldness

The early church's response to persecution was to pray for boldness. They didn't ask for the threats to be removed but for the courage to speak God's message with complete boldness. This perspective shifts our focus from our circumstances to God's power and providence, enabling us to stand firm in our faith.

Life Application: Applying Boldness in Our Daily Lives

1. **Seek the Spirit's Empowerment**: Begin each day by asking the Holy Spirit to fill you with His power and boldness. Acknowledge your weaknesses and rely on His strength to guide you through conversations and interactions.

2. **Spend Time with Jesus**: Prioritize your relationship with Jesus to abide in Him (John 15). If we neglect private time with Jesus, we will struggle to be a witness for Jesus publicly.

3. **Pray for Boldness**: Make it a habit to pray for boldness, not just for yourself but for your fellow believers as you meet in small groups. Ask God to give you opportunities to share your faith and the courage to seize those moments.


Acts 4 challenges us to find our boldness in Jesus. By seeking the Spirit's empowerment, spending time with Jesus, and praying for boldness, we can stand firm in our faith and be effective witnesses for Christ. This week, let's take these lessons to heart and step out in faith, trusting that God will give us the courage we need to share His love with those around us.